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Oriental Poppy - Vase   
€ 229,00
inkl. 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

Material: Glas
Größe (L/B/H in cm): 35,00 / 13,00 / 30,00

Fascinating compositions of bright colours and dramatic light effects are characteristic for the style of famous Art Nouveau painter Louis Comfort Tiffany. One of his most popular motifs is the Oriental Poppy: Large, stylized flowers and impressive shades of red add a special touch to Goebel's home accessories and make them "glow".
Vase - Oriental Poppy
handmade and hand-blown
Sortiment: Artis Orbis
Serie: Louis Comfort Tiffany
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Artikelnummer: 18551
Hergestellt von: Goebel Porzellan Gmbh, Auwaldstraße 8, 96231 Bad Staffelstein - E-Mail: goebel@goebel.de , Bzgl. Lieferbarkeit und Termin bitte anfragen.
Hersteller Artikelnummer: 67031121, EAN: 4005169350924

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